The Author of this Web Site and the Crawford County Health Department strive for excellence and accuracy. However, neither the Author nor the Crawford County Health Department shall assume any liability for the accuracy of the information provided at this site.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Crawford County Health Department does not discriminate in admission to programs or treatment of employment in programs or activities in compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act; the U.S. Civil Rights Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; the Age Discrimination Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; the U.S. and Illinois Constitutions. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have a right to file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Aging, for information call 1-800-252-8966 (Voice and TDD), or contact, Civil Rights Coordinator, Illinois Department on Aging, 421 East Capitol Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62471; telephone (217)785-3356.
Illinois Public Act 97-609
In accordance with Public Act 097-0609, an amendment to the Open Meetings Act, the Crawford County Health Department is required to post certain employee compensation information within six (6) business days after approval of a budget. This information is available upon request at our office located at 202 N. Christopher Blvd., Robinson, IL 62454.
Crawford County Health Department does not provide: Bonuses, Housing Allowance, Vehicle Allowance, Clothing Allowance, and Loans.
Crawford County Health Department does not provide: Bonuses, Housing Allowance, Vehicle Allowance, Clothing Allowance, and Loans.