Where does Lead come from?
There are several ways it is possible to contract lead poisoning. The most common ways for lead to get into a body is by breathing it in or eating it. Lead can be in:
Screening for Lead
All children 6 months to 6 years old should be tested for lead poisoning. Illinois state law requires all children entering state operated day care, nursery school, preschool, or kindergarten to provide proof of a blood level assessment. A screening test is done with blood taken from the finger or arm. If too much lead is in the blood, your child may need treatment. Women planning to have a baby should be tested for lead. Lead in a mother's body can cause a baby to be born too small and too early.
Protect your child from Lead.
If you think your home has Lead Paint...
If You Think Your Home Has Lead Paint... Removing lead paint is very dangerous. Do not do it yourself. Call your local health department or the Illinois Department of Public Health's Lead Poisoning Clearinghouse of Information at 217-782-0403 or 1-800-545-2200, TTY (hearing impaired only) 1-800-547-0466, for information on how to remove lead paint safely. You can search for licensed lead contractors on IDPH's website.
Your child may have Lead Poisoning if...